| Mission | Red Robin Therapy's mission is to enable children and young people with physical, learning, or sensory difficulties to reach their full potential. |

| Vision | Red Robin Therapy's vision is to be an exceptional provider of occupational therapy services for children and young people in Northern Ireland. |

| Values | Red Robin Therapy's values underpin everything : - We are family-centred: we work in partnership with a range of people in the best interests of children and young people, but at all times, we put parent and caregiver views and opinions first.
- We have integrity: we always do the right thing for children and young people, as well as their families.
- We are evidence-informed experts: as well as our long history of clinical experience, we keep up to date with research findings, new products, and treatment methods so you can be assured that we know the most effective way to do things for children and young people.
Red Robin Therapy partners with a number of organisations and businesses to provide expert
OT assessment, intervention, training and education services.
Red Robin Therapy offers parents of children with additional needs a range of tailor-made services including core occupational therapy services through Family-Centred Intervention and Special Seating assessments.
Red Robin Therapy also runs assessment clinics for DCD/Dyspraxia.
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